Free online classifieds for motorcycles and adventure enthusiasts
Free online classifieds for motorcycles and adventure enthusiasts
A lot of websites charges you for posting your motorcycle for sale. Some of them charge an arm and a leg. They will not tell you the fee until you're done posting your ad. It's really a big astonishment after you've down loaded your bikes' pics.
I don't seem to understand, don't they get it. The reason why you are selling the bike is because you don't have money. Well I know for some people there are other reasons but the major one is having no money. So, that only means some of these websites are really taking advantage of most sellers.
They also make you believe that you will actually get a lot of inquiries (which don't normally happen).
So, in order to help sellers and buyers, was born.
You can post your bike for sale like, Harley, BMW, KLR, KTM, Honda, Suzuki and Buell. Whether it's dirt bike or custom bike, posting is free. You can upload up to 4 colored pictures without a single penny. To top it all, your ad will stay there for 45 days. If after 45 days, no sale was made, you can renew your ad again. That's SIMPLE. It's a user friendly site so even a person who was not listening to his teacher during computer lesson, can actually follow simple instructions on how to post his bike.
If you're a buyer, the website is free from pop-ups and annoying advertisements, so you can actually concentrate on browsing.
So, whether your are selling your bike or just want to buy one, visit, and you will find out what I've written above are true.